The month of October is always a busy one. It’s sort of the beginning of all the fun and exciting holiday season. Kyle and I have both been staying busy with work. Not too much has changed for us. This past week we carved our pumpkins.
Kyle's Creation:
Stacey's Creation:
I had my Halloween party at school with my 5th grade class. I dressed up as Jessie from Toy Story II (It’s a little bit of a stretch I know… I put it together with things around the house).
Of course it’s beautiful outside during this time with the changing fall colors. So we were bored today and decided to take our cats on an adventure outside.
They're a little distracted :)
So life is good and yes, we’re still here! :)
November 1, 2008
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
7:37 PM
October 13, 2008
Cracker Barrel!!
So I realize it has been a while since we’ve posted. Honestly, there hasn’t been anything that exciting to post about. So I figured I stretch it a little. :) Today is the 13th of the month and Kyle and I have this tradition to go out to eat every 13th of the month in celebration of our “anniversary.” Any excuse to be able to go out right? Today we have been married for one year and three months (it feels like it’s been much longer…in a good way of course)!
Well, we discovered a Cracker Barrel about a month ago so we decided to eat there. I absolutely love this place! Talk about down home, southern cookin’…. Delicious! You are definitely missing out if you’ve never been there. Anyway, they have a really fun shop before you walk into the restaurant that always has the cutest things. Of course every time we go, I do a lot of window shopping as we don’t really have that kind of money to spend. But when Kyle pointed out that Halloween decorations were 40% off… I had to it. We thought this little guy was so cool, especially when we noticed his bow tie. :) Just thought I’d share!
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
8:00 PM
September 14, 2008
Our Day at the Falls
Kyle and I decided to try to be adventurous this past weekend. We drove out to Bridal Veil Falls. It seemed pretty small from far away, but up close it was pretty big.
Here's me at the base of the "falls," although you can barely see me.
We even hiked a little ways to see the second half of the falls up close. We hadn’t been hiking since Kyle had proposed over a year ago. So we had a really good time! I realized how much I miss the outdoors.
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
1:47 PM
September 1, 2008
Kyle & Baby
In the last few weeks many have asked when our first child will be on it’s way. My sister Christy sent me this picture of Kyle holding our niece Khloe. I felt this picture would answer all...
Yes, that's the look of fear! :)
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
9:25 PM
August 16, 2008
Date Night
This past week I took Kyle on a date to see Brian Regan. He was here in Utah at Thanksgiving Point. For those of you who may not know who he is, he's an awesome comedian! His jokes are clean and pretty funny! It takes a lot to make me laugh he was great. Kyle loves him and thought it was great to see him live! Here are a few pictures.
It was held at the Waterfall Amphitheatre. We had to walk through Thanksgiving Point Gardens to get there. It was pretty neat. :)
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
1:01 PM
August 6, 2008
Christmas in August?
I did it! I finally completed a project that I started way back in last November! I got this bright idea from my sister Christy to make and personalize our Christmas stockings. I searched for stockings when all the new Christmas decorations were coming out last year and didn't find anything I liked. I thought it was so cool how Christy had sewed all of her little family's Christmas stockings and thought it would be a fun tradition to start myself. How hard could it be, right? Well, it wasn't about how hard it was but how long it would take! I thought I could have it done by Christmas with my long Thanksgiving and Christmas break, but it didn't happen. So I have had these stockings unfinished just sitting in my closet for the past 8 months! I decided to make it one of my goals to finish them before the summer was up. And I did it! It feels good to finally have them complete. It was a huge project in my eyes, with every tiny bead, sequin, and fabric piece sewn on by me. I’m looking forward to stuffing these come Christmas!
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
2:32 PM
July 29, 2008
Summer Update
It’s been over a month since I’ve posted. This past month honestly went by slow, however there’s been so much we've done! First off the 4th of July came and went… We went to Provo. This is Kyle and I waiting for the fireworks.
Then a few days later I took off to Virginia! My brother Eric returned from his mission in Las Vegas. I spent a week with my family and then picked up Kyle from the airport and headed to Williamsburg, Virginia where we celebrated our one year anniversary! It was great to just do what we wanted to all day without having anyone or anything to answer to. We had a great time, ate lots of food, and learned a lot too.
This is us at Shield's Tavern in Colonial Williamsburg. It was really authentic for the time period!
The day after we got back, we headed to Smith Mountain Lake for a family reunion.
We spent about four days there doing lots of things. There was the pool, small “beach” at the lake, speed boat, cliff jumping, knee and wake boarding, tubing, pontoon boats we went cruising on, and lots more. It was a lot of fun in the sun and time well spent with my wonderful family, but we were definitely all swimmed out at the end.
When we returned home a week ago, I discovered that I had forgotten my laptop back in Virginia. I had to wait a week to receive it in the mail. So I spent last week doing a lot of reading, working out (I ate way too much in Virginia), pulling some school things together, organizing, and taking care of my cats. I took Kiwi and Tiggy in to get spaded and declawed the day we got back. I never thought I would have to “babysit” cats but they were really annoying after their surgery. I ended up having to buy cones to put around their heads because they were licking their surgical areas too much and that would cause the wounds to open up again which equals more money to spend. These are a few pictures of how goofy they looked.
Since they couldn’t lick anything, they eventually discovered that they could help each other out and do the job for the other.
After getting my computer out, I left the box on the ground and a little while later found this.
Lame I know, but they’re fun cats. They keep me entertained. Well, since I’ve been back, I have already finished setting up my classroom for the upcoming school year and now just have some planning to do with the first few weeks of school in curriculum. I sadly have watched a lot of movies and t.v. since I’ve been home too. I don’t have much else to do... or is it that I don’t have much motivation to do it? I did decide to bake an apple pie with all of this time on my hands. I forgot how long it takes to make one, especially with making my own crust. It was definitely worth it though Delicious! I know it's silly to have taken a picture of it... but I was proud. :)
Well that’s about it for the update of my summer so far. I have one more month until school begins. I am honestly looking forward to it. The new Twilight book “Breaking Dawn” comes out in just a few days (August 2nd) so my life will be put on hold for that time. Yes, I am one of the million who absolutely LOVE the Twilight Saga. Its soo good! I’m really excited!
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
9:18 PM
June 20, 2008
My 5th Grade Class!
My first year of teaching officially ended one week ago. It was such a great year! Very stressful at times, but in the end so worth it. I absolutely loved the kids I worked with. They were really helpful and patient as I was learning to accommodate all the many things teachers do in their first year. I will definitely miss them though!
There were a lot of different events taking place the last day of school. We had Crazy Hair Day, Accessories Day, Pajama Day, Field Day, the Fun Run (which turned out to be a rainy day, but that didn't stop them) and so forth. I brought my camera in to capture it all and ended up taking quite a few pictures of my 5th grade class (especially on field day). So I told my class that I would post the pictures on my blog so that they could see them all. So this might not be that exciting nor may you understand what they are doing in some of these pictures unless you were there for this week. Hopefully my class will enjoy it. I think some of these pictures turned out really cool!
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
3:25 PM
New Car!
I finally decided to go through with buying a new car. I've been debating for a few months now and decided that 86,000 miles is getting pretty high. I wanted to get rid of my Dodge Intrepid before there were any problems. After a very very long process, I was able to come home with my new ride....a 2008 Mazda 3. It's very nice and I'm a huge fan! Although I still thought the coolest part was how they gave me a full tank of gas before they sent me home. This was way nice considering the price of gas these days. :)
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
2:53 PM
May 25, 2008
Cat Napping
We know we haven't posted for a while; mostly because there's not much going on in our lives. Kyle's still working hard and I'm finishing my first year of teaching up in about three weeks. I don't have much planned for the summer, but knowing myself...I'll probably be starting some big project up soon. We're moving in two weeks just to another apartment. I'll have to post pictures when we're settled and moved in. Kyle and I are both pretty excited to get out of this basement apartment though. Anyway, we still love our adorable kitties. They are so active! It's so funny because they'll be running around mad and tackling one another and the next minute they're dead asleep somewhere. Check out the second to last photo. They seriously look like they just dropped dead :)
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
9:57 PM
April 15, 2008
New Addition To Home
On Sunday the 13th of April, Kyle and I celebrated our 9 month anniversary!! We had our wedding luncheon at Olive Garden. So Kyle and I have made a tradition of going out to eat on every 13th of the month at Olive Garden. Although it's an every month tradition, it's amazing how good it is every time we go. It hasn't gotten old yet!
Since we've been married for 9 months, Kyle and I decided we wanted to add two cute little additions to our family!! Their names are Kiwi and Tiggy. :) Don't freak out...they're kittens. I would never name my child that although they are cute names. Anyways, Kyle and I both are cat lovers and we've wanted cats since we’ve been married. They are so adorable and fun...especially when they sleep! We're both really excited to have them. They're still in that 'I'm scared and want to hide from every movement and noise stage,' but they're slowly getting out of it. It's amazing how entertaining these two girls are and in how many places they can squeeze themselves into! We live in a small two bedroom apartment, how many hiding places could there be? Take a look yourself! (Sorry about their eyes- freaky looking)
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
10:13 PM
March 1, 2008
Kyle's Birthday!!
Life's been busy for the both of us. We've had a lot of family come through town to visit. Michelle and her sweet family, Kyle's sister, visited a few weeks ago. Kyle's parents came in for the weekend of his birthday too. It's been a lot of fun spending time with them and for me, getting to know them better. Kyle's birthday was February 22nd. It's weird to him to think he's 23 now. The big news is that Kyle got accepted into BYU. We're both very excited. This means that most likely will be moving at the end of our lease in a few months. We also went to a local Broadway style play last week. It was surprisingly really entertaining. Well, life is great though and we're making it through. The few pictures are of Kyle’s 23rd birthday. :)
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
4:19 PM
January 13, 2008
Christmas 2007 & Stacey's Birthday
Well, we figured that it was time we update everyone on our oh so exciting life since we last posted in October!! Over the past 2 months…. Umm…well, everything is ironically exactly the same. :) Kyle and I are still working and are now in the swing of the New Year. Our holiday break was wonderful by the way! We went out to Colorado to visit Kyle's side of the family. My birthday is December 23rd, two days before Christmas. It fell on a Sunday this year so we didn't do much, but Kyle and his family still made it very special!! It was great to wake up to a white Christmas, one of the firsts for me which was very exciting. It actually ended up snowing all day! We didn't do much except play games and sit around and visit with one another. It was honestly the perfect way to spend our Christmas though. It doesn’t matter how you spend it as long as you’re with the ones you love (family).
We were back in Utah before the New Year. This was honestly the first year I have ever had a problem trying to stay up until midnight. I was fighting myself! Although we were both too exhausted to bang pots and pans, it was still great to start the New Year off with my husband Kyle. We're both really excited for the New Year and the new start to our lives. We’re anxious to see what it will bring! We of course made some New Year's resolutions and so far we're doing pretty well at keeping to them. It’s so easy for life to get in the way though! Other then the break from life during the holidays, we’re back to work now working hard to accomplish the things that are before us and staying busy! The pictures above are a mix of my birthday and Christmas. Until next time!
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
8:13 PM