Two Saturdays ago we went to the zoo. It was suppose to be a pretty decent day, but we ended up wearing our coats the entire time. We still had a blast though! All winter long Rylan has been really into animals and animal noises! So we were really excited to take him to the zoo to see them real and up close! :)
Rylan made new friends!
Addilyn chilled in the stroller most of the time.
Family photo with the Rhinoceros.
Mommy & Addilyn in the Reptile Building (Nice and warm...and smelly too :/)
The Giraffe's were pretty friendly! So close!
Mommy & Rylan outside the Great Apes House.
Addilyn- Smiling as always!
We met up half way with my Mom and Chrissy's family. This is Rylan with his cousins Khloe and Kooper. They were so sweet to hold Rylan's hand as we walked around.
Before we left, Grammy paid for all of us to ride the train. It took us around to see more animals. Rylan LoVeS trains! He was pretty quiet throughout the ride, but I knew he was LoViNg it!!
(I have no idea what I'm saying in this picture, but check out how cute that little boy is.)
Addilyn was excited for the ride too!
Even after the ride, Rylan couldn't keep his eyes off the train.
He saw it drive by while we played at the Discovery Land Park.
We saw lots more of course. I'm such a first time Mommy at the zoo. I probably have a picture of Rylan with every animal. :) We had a great time and will definitely be going back when it warms up again!
April 24, 2011
Utah's Hogle Zoo Trip
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
1:59 PM
April 20, 2011
April 10, 2011
Play Time!!
Play, play, play... lots of play time around our house! We've had to learn to be creative with our play with Rylan needing attention and entertainment more and more and Addilyn getting older and sleeping less throughout the day. We basically spend a lot of the day playing since we also don't have a car to go anywhere until Daddy gets home. Aside from toys galore, we read lots of books, do puzzles, draw and color, run and dance to music, go through drawers and cabinets (Rylan loves to discover new gagets still :), kick and throw balls ("ball time"), and much much more. The photos from this past week are mostly the two of them playing. So nothing too exciting to see, but lots of fun to do! This is basically all that we do all day everyday! Can't wait for warmer weather and to start exploring the world outside of our home!!
Addilyn has been sitting up for a while now and she's getting pretty comfortable with making her way to all the toys on the floor. She's basically beginning to discover that there are more then just rattles and rubber ducks. :)
We build lots of towers and walls with the different blocks that we have. This past week Rylan discovered he could put things inside. We built a tunnel for all of his cars to go in and out of (I told him to smile and this is what he did)...
Rylan found a comb in Addilyn's room...he sat down right beside her all on his own and started brushing her hair (no prompts from mom either) I thought it was pretty cute!
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
2:33 PM
April 3, 2011
Story Time
Kyle was reading Rylan and Addilyn a quick story before bed. It was cute how into it they both were...
Towards the end of the story Addilyn got bored and decided to entertain herself by grabbing Rylan's hair. (You can imagine that this didn't go over too well.)
Rylan is usually the one crawling all over this huge elephant. I decided to put Addilyn on it for once and she LoVeD it! She started screaming and laughing...
Sweet little girl...
Posted by
Stacey and Kyle Nielsen
2:37 PM